Bliss Training Academy introduces ‘Sunday CE Classes at Bliss’

Bliss Face and Body studio is now offering 8-hour continuing education training classes from April to August! Register for upcoming classes below. Be sure to join our email list for updates, events, and special offers. All sales of these classes are final and non-refundable.

Classic and Hybrid Lash Training with Kisha Hoskins, LC
(Includes mannequin, manual, L-shaped and pointed isolation tools, practice lashes, glue, eye pads, tape, and enough lashes to install sets on 5-10 clients)

June 12 - (8-hours) - 9 to 5 pm


Advanced Waxing and King Brazilian Training with Nicole Cooper, LE
(Includes a signature hard wax)

May 15 - (8-hours) 9 to 5 pm


Advanced Texturized Hair Cutting with Fayecha Smith, Master Educator, LC, LE, LB
(Includes mannequin, stand, and cutting cape), bring your own sheers, razor, clippers, clips and water bottles)

July 24 - (8-hours) 9 to 5pm


Basics of Sugaring Training with Me-Me Cowans-Taylor, LE
(Includes a jar of signature sugar paste)

August 21 - (8-hour) 9 to 5

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